Lookbooks: CRM/AM for the Fashion/Talent Industry

My first client for Clevertech was Lookbooks. I was brought to help them launch version 2 of their product.

I spearheaded their jQuery update, bringing them from 1.4 to 1.10, clearing a large amount of blockers for the project moving forward.

I also implemented or improved many front-end interfaces such as:

  • Drag and drop asset management
  • Context menus
  • Inline editing
  • Dashboards
  • Replaced thier flash uploader with a html5 drag and drop upload
  • Integrated with aviary

On the backend I contributed:

  • Worked with existing Sphinx based search provider, to improve it's usage and coverage
  • Allowed wildcard cookies so users could switch between sub-domains, and ultimately versions, of the software
  • Found and fixed SQLi and ffmpeg vulnerabilities
  • Various utility functions for custom data
https://github.com/jamesjnadeau twitter.com/janadeau1