#Quick Reference

# 1 - Pull Development, Starting Fresh $ git checkout development $ git pull origin development $ git checkout -b new-branch # Note: "new-branch" is usually "feature/feature-name" or "hotfix/fix-name"

# 2 - Work. Do commit(s) (git commit).

# 3 - Push your branch (it doesn't have to be "final", but the code shouldn't break anything) $ git push origin new-branch

# 4 - Things are done and now we'll make sure it's working with the latest base (development) $ git checkout development $ git pull origin development $ git checkout new-branch $ git rebase development # Note: resolve conflicts, if any! using --strategy=ours/theirs might be helpful

# Do #3 again (push)

# 5 - Create the Pull Request (check the explanation before the quick start)

# 6 - After the request is merged, remove your branch locally, and update remote branch references locally $ git checkout development $ git branch -D new-branch $ git remote prune origin

originally from here