Here's a screenshot of the first iteration of my website.
I've been hosting my site now on a statically generated site since 2014, and it's been a fantastic journey. I'm on my thrid platform that generates the site. The amount of choice and flexibility offered by just using flat files is hard to beat. I imagine I'd still be stuck on whatever DB driving app I had choosen, those migrations are hard to wrap your head around.
I had used Drupal as a CMS for clients for a long time and it became out of date quickly.Take a look!
I decided a redesign was in order. I switched to Bootstrap 3(4 was just an idea at this time) and went on the hunt for something that could be hosted as a static site for almost nothing.
My first commit to the repository was my first draft of my site. I was writing php solutions for the HVAC industry in PHP at the time and was very comfortable with it. PHP 5 was the latest and greatest at the time. The twig template language was easy for me to adapt the bootstrap template site too, and off I ran.
I created a php script to export my nodes from drupal, but ultimately didn't use much of the content from before.
I was working with webpack v1 and wanted to make my own loader so I could work on static sties and have the content automatically reload. I threw this together and it wokred just how I wanted. It was customizable to my needs and I've been able to reuse it in several projects