Story Starter
When _____ ,
I want to _____ ,
so I can _____ . "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it" ― John Gilmore
“Remind yourself these are your only three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it. These acts create happiness; holding onto bitterness never does.” ― Lori Deschene
"Over the long term, the future is decided by optimists. To be an optimist you don’t have to ignore all the many problems we create;
you just have to imagine improving our capacity to solve problems." ―
Kevin Kelly"The powerful motivator in our lives isn’t money; it’s the opportunity to learn, grow in responsibilities, contribute to others, and be recognized for achievements."
Clayton M. Christensen paraphrasing Frederick Herzberg. He Finishes with:
"Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success."
"There is no set of conditions that leads to lasting happiness. Lasting happiness doesn’t come from conditions; it comes from learning to flow with conditions." ― Cory Muscara
“In fact, modern history has demonstrated that a society of courageous people willing to admit ignorance and raise difficult questions is usually not just more prosperous but also more peaceful than societies in which everyone must unquestioningly accept a single answer. People afraid of losing their truth tend to be more violent than people who are used to looking at the world from several different viewpoints. Questions you cannot answer are usually far better for you than answers you cannot question” — Yuval Noah Harari
”The things we fear the most have already happened to us” — Robin Williams
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in" ― Greek Proverb
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth" ― Charles M. Schulz
“Grief can take care if itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” ― Mark Twain
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ― Buddha
"Anything that works will be used in progressively more challenging applications, until it fails." ― Laurence J. Peter, The Generalized Peter Principle.
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair." ― Douglas Adams
"Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure." ― Conway's Law
“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.” ― Calvin Coolidge
"The men who attempt to survive, not by means of reason, but by means of force, are attempting to survive by the method of animals." ― Ayn Rand
"Making bits harder to copy is like making water less wet." ― Bruce Schneier
"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new." ― Steve Jobs
"Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history. We make history." ― John McCain
“Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour.” ― Tom Hanks
“It is easier to fool the people then convince them they have been fooled.” - Samuel Clements
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” ― Anais Nin
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ― George Bernard Shaw
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” ― Mark Twain
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” ― Rick Warren
“I’ve always been very careful never to predict anything that has not already happened.” — Marshall McLuhan
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” — Dorothy Parker
“Decisions are made by those who show up.” — Jennifer Pahlka
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” — Albert Einstein
“Not long ago what we have today was so implausible that nobody bothered to say it would never happen.“ — Marc Andreessen
"The first 90% of a project is a lot easier than the second 90%.” — Tim Sweeney
“If you don’t like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less.” — General Shinseki
"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" — Martin Luther King
"You aren’t wealthy until you have something that money can’t buy." — Garth Brooks
"I think I speak for everyone when I say no one can speak for all of us." —Glenn Fleishman
"The question isn’t who is going to let me: it’s who is going to stop me." — Ayn Rand
"No limit for better." — Harrison Ford
“I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life; I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” — George Eliot
“At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.” — Toni Morrison
“The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.” — Vladimir Nabokov
"When an honest man learns he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken, or he will cease to be an honest man." unknown
"Technology can be invented; human nature is something we're stuck with."
Bret Victor“Do not hold your views too firmly. Every fool is fully convinced, and every one fully persuaded is a fool: the more erroneous his judgment the more firmly he holds it.” — Jesuit Baltasar Gracián
"It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique." Conan O’Brien
"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure" Goodhart's Law (Popular formulation)
“The most courageous decision that you can make each day is to be in a good mood.” — Voltaire
“Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” — Rainer Maria Rilke
“A good marriage is one in which each spouse secretly thinks he or she got the better deal, and this is true also of our friendships.” — Anne Lamott
”Discipline is the art of making soldiers fear their officers more than their enemy” — Claude Adrien Helvetius"
“The full area of ignorance is not mapped. We are only exploring the fringes” — John Desmond Bernal
“Take care of yourself, take care of your family, take care of your friends, and take care of your spaceship. And I wish everybody, happy landings.” —
Chris Hadfield ”Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything” — John Kenneth Galbraith
“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” — Bertrand Russell
“If you want something to work well, powerful and rich people must be forced to use it. They must have the same experience as ordinary people" —
Principle of Elite Consequences“Write about what you don't know about what you know” ― Eudora Welty
“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald at the beginning of The Great Gatsby
"There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs” — Thomas Sowell
"The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence." - Charles Bukowski
"Things that never happened before happen all the time." — Scott Sagan
"To get people to build a boat you don’t need to get them to weave canvas, forge nails, or read the sky. You need to give them a shared yearning for the sea." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"A foreign accent is a sign of bravery." — Amy Chua
"The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck." — Paul Virilio
"What you do on your bad days matters more than what you do on your good days." — Kevin Kelly
"You will be judged on how well you treat those who can do nothing for you." — Kevin Kelly
"You cant reason someone out of a notion that they didn’t reason themselves into." — Kevin Kelly
"You can be whatever you want, so be the person who ends meetings early" — Kevin Kelly
"Average returns sustained over an above-average period of time yield extraordinary results. Buy and hold." — Kevin Kelly
"It’s thrilling to be extremely polite to rude strangers." — Kevin Kelly
"Getting cheated occasionally is the small price for trusting the best of everyone, because when you trust the best in others, they generally treat you best." — Kevin Kelly
"For the best results with your children, spend only half the money you think you should, but double the time with them." — Kevin Kelly
"If your opinions on one subject can be predicted from your opinions on another, you may be in the grip of an ideology. When you truly think for yourself your conclusions will not be predictable." — Kevin Kelly
"The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished." — Kevin Kelly
“So what’s the Original Sin of the Internet? Nearly all business models it supports require spying on consumers and monetizing them.” — Bob Sullivan
“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” — André Gid
"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." — Edward Abbey
"Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." — Michael Rivero
"Trust arrives on foot, but leaves on horseback." — Dutch proverb
"I divide my officers into four classes as follows:
the clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid.
Each officer always possesses two of these qualities.
Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff.
Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy.
The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts.
He has the requisite and the mental clarity for difficult decisions.
But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous." — Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord
The best advice I ever got on how to trust my gut and intuition was given to me by a psychotherapist years ago.
She suggested whenever I have a gut instinct — good or bad — I should first rate the intensity of my emotions from 1 to 10.
If they are on the lower end of the spectrum, I’m more inclined to trust my gut.
Emotions — like anger, fear or insecurity — are different from Feelings, because they are usually in reaction to something external and feel like a laser that you want to point at people or things.
Feelings — like profound sadness and love — are more of a state of being, and Intuition is an inner knowing. So whenever I have to distinguish one from the other, I first start by rating my emotions. — Claudia Dawson
Infographic on Healthy Relationships"Before the Big Bang, There was no up, There was no down, There was no side to side.
There was no light, There was no dark, No shape of any kind.
There were no stars, or planet mars, or protons to collide.
There was no up, There was no down, There was no side to side.
And furthermore, To underscore, This total lacking state.
There was no here, There was no there, Because there were no space.
And in this endless void, That can’t be thought of as a place. There was no time, And so no passing minutes, hours, days.
Of all the paradoxes That belabor common sense, I think this one’s the greatest This time before events.
How did we get from nothing To infinitely dense? From immeasurably small To inconceivably immense?
But before we get unmoored From the question at the start Let’s take a breathe and marvel At when math becomes an art
Because we don’t have to understand it To know there was a time
When there was no up there was no down there was no side to side
ReinaDelCid“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one.
Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can.
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”
― George Bernard Shaw
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